Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's officially Saturday morning..HOLLA!!!!!

Wow! I slept so well last night.. I mean, I was up until all hours watching damned vids, but, when my head hit Baby's breast, I was out like scout okay? ZONKED!! LOL Today we're supposed to have a "Saw" marathon with my neighbor.. smh.. that movie is a trip!! We started IV the other night.. Didn't finish it though! It always takes me a while to finish one of those movies. LOL I'm glad I didn't see that shit in the theater okay? That would have a been a huge waste of money!! Looking between my fingers and shit! That is one gory movie.. FUCK!
Aaaanyway.. I'm updating my playlist right now.. Getting rid of the songs that are no longer available, and finding new ones.. You know what? Music is the shit! I mean, what would we do without the jams!??? HOLLAAAAA!!
Well, I'm gonna get back to it! ;-)

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